Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León

Dirección: Ctra. N VI-Tv, 9X, 24794 Riego de la Vega, León, España.

Especialidades: Bar.
Otros datos de interés: Consumo en el lugar, Alcohol, Bebidas fuertes, Cerveza, Comida, Vino, Sanitario, Agradable, Informal, Grupos, Estacionamiento gratuito en la calle.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 18 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 3.8/5.

Ubicación de Samoa

Samoa Ctra. N VI-Tv, 9X, 24794 Riego de la Vega, León, España

Horario de Samoa

  • Lunes: 11 a.m.–11 p.m.
  • Martes: 11 a.m.–11 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 11 a.m.–12 a.m.
  • Jueves: 11 a.m.–11 p.m.
  • Viernes: 11 a.m.–1 a.m.
  • Sábado: 11 a.m.–1 a.m.
  • Domingo: 12 p.m.–12 a.m.

Samoa es el lugar perfecto para aquellos que buscan disfrutar de una velada agradable y sin complicaciones. Ubicado en la encantadora Ctra. N VI-Tv, 9X, 24794 Riego de la Vega, León, España, este bar es fácilmente accesible y ofrece estacionamiento gratuito en la calle.

El ambiente en Samoa es informal y acogedor, making it the perfect spot for groups of friends or family to enjoy a night out. Whether you're in the mood for a few drinks or a full meal, Samoa has something for everyone. Their specialties include a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and spirits, making it the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a night on the town.

One of the standout features of Samoa is its commitment to providing a clean and sanitary environment for its patrons. This, combined with its friendly and attentive staff, makes it a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike.

According to Google My Business, Samoa has received 18 ratings, with an average rating of 3.8/5. Many reviewers have praised the bar for its welcoming atmosphere, delicious drinks, and affordable prices. As one reviewer put it, Great place to go for a drink and some food. The staff are always friendly and the prices are very reasonable.

Overall, Samoa is the perfect destination for anyone looking for a casual and enjoyable night out. With its wide variety of alcoholic beverages, delicious food, and commitment to cleanliness and sanitation, it's no wonder why so many people have had such positive experiences at this popular bar. So why wait Contact Samoa today and start planning your next night out

Opiniones de Samoa

Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León
Ubaldo Lorenzo Cañedo

Creo Vy Voy

Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León
Jose Luis Abelleira

No es demasiado fiable

Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León
Juan Fco Gonzalez

Local de ambiente jjj

Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León
Baltasar Cunha Faria

Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León
Leo Maver

Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León
Carlos Arturo Díaz Fernández

Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León
Tomas Perez

Samoa - Riego de la Vega, León
Fco. Javier Martínez
